Parents » Rules


Athletic Equipment
It is the policy of the Pomona Unified School District to provide all the athletic equipment. Students should not bring any of their own physical education equipment such as bats, balls, or other such objects to school.

Bicycles, along with a bike helmet, may be ridden to school by students in grades 4th through 6 th. Bicycles must be parked in the area provided and must be locked at all times. Bikes are to be walked on campus. Parents should discuss bicycle safety rules with their children as well as the regular safety and traffic rules such as: not riding double, keeping to the right-hand side of the road, and signaling properly. The law requires children to wear bicycle helmets.

Cell Phone Policy

Technology and busy families have increased the need for some children to bring cell phones to school. This is understandable, however, we do need you and your child to be aware that cell phones must remain off and cannot be visible during school hours. Use of cell phones during the school day may disrupt teaching and the learning environment. During the school day, students may use the office phone in the case of an emergency with a note from their teacher or staff member.


If a cell phone rings or if a student is caught using a cell phone without permission, Alcott staff will follow this protocol: confiscate it and send it to the office. After the first offense: the student may pick up the item at the end of the school day; second offense: a parent must pick up the item; third offense: the item will be stored for pick-up on the last day of school in June. These guidelines will be followed during after school activities and field trips.


The school will not be responsible for any lost, stolen, damaged or confiscated phones or for usage fees resulting from confiscation.

Rules and Regulations
Your assistance is greatly appreciated in helping our school create a safe and secured environment for all students. Therefore, we request your collaboration in promoting all school rules.


Safety is continuously stressed at school. We need your assistance in cautioning you child(ren) to observe sensible safety rules in going to and from school. Crossing guard will be on duty on Towne Avenue and Phillips Avenue in front of the school before and after school, to assist students when crossing the street. Children may only cross the street at crosswalks.

For safety reasons certain items are NOT PERMITTED at school either in the classroom or on the grounds. These include, but are not limited to real/play knives, bows and arrows, guns (squirt, cap etc), bean shooters, laser pointer, slingshots, skates, or any item that can cause harm.

Students are not allowed to play with any insect on the playground because they may sting or bite.


Scooters are not permitted on campus.

Note: Roller-skates and shoes with skates are NOT allowed at school. They will be taken and only parents may pick up the items.

Student Rules
Respect and responsibility are important attributes to our school. All students are to show courtesy and respect to all school personnel and other students. The following codes of conduct are NOT acceptable for students and are potential offenses for suspension: (1) fighting (2) rock throwing (3) defiance of authority (4) disrespectfulness (5) profanity or vulgarity (6) destruction of property (7) smoking or possession of tobacco (8) possession or use of explosives (this includes matches and firecrackers) (9) possession or use of controlled substances such as drugs (10) possession of knives, guns, or any dangerous weapon (11) theft (12) sale of look-alike substance representative to be drug or alcohol (13) receipt of stolen property (14) sexual harassment (15) hate crimes (16) fostering a hostile education environment.