Health Services
If your child becomes ill before school, please seek medical attention. The school is not equipped to handle sick students. Please do not send your sick child to school. If a pupil becomes ill at school, he/she is sent to the Nurse’s Office. If deemed necessary, the parent is notified at once. In case of an emergency it is extremely important that we have a phone number where the parents can be reached. We should also have on file a second and third name of designees if we are unable to contact you. Students will not be sent home alone.
In cases of medical emergency, when parent or their designee cannot be reached, the police will be called. They may send the paramedics to attend to the student.
A registered nurse is on duty 2 days a week. In addition, we have a health clerk for 5 days a week from 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The nurse, with the assistance of the health clerk, when at school, offers the following services:
- Vision test (all grade)
- Hearing test (all grades)
- Interpret health information to staff.
- Give first aid to all injuries that occur on school grounds and other related duties.
They are not available for treatment or diagnosis of illnesses. Please take your ill child to the doctor’s office for such service.